What a long, (beautifully) strange season it has been with The Reverend Mike Frese serving as The Corridor District Superintendent! Little did he and Patty know what they were offering a “holy yes” to back in 2019! Who could have foreseen the collision of Covid, racial reckoning, and disaffiliation coming? Add to the list of challenges multiple changes in episcopal leadership. Yet, Mike faithfully and wonderfully has led us through it all. Now as he and Patty prepare to go forward to First UMC Wilson, you are invited to a time of celebration and giving thanks. Please join the District Committee on Superintendency on Sunday, June 23, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Orange UMC (1220 M.L.K. Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514). Be sure to bring with you a story, a glimpse, or a moment you and/or your church saw God at work through Mike’s leadership of our district. Your testimony to his leadership will be a wonderful way to express your gratitude.