Gateway District Clergy Meeting
This event is being held at the Bergland Center at Camp Rockfish. Dinner will be provided. I look forward to celebrating our connection and sharing fellowship with our friends at Camp Rockfish.
This event is being held at the Bergland Center at Camp Rockfish. Dinner will be provided. I look forward to celebrating our connection and sharing fellowship with our friends at Camp Rockfish.
We look forward to meeting in person at our upcoming Clergy Setup meeting on Thursday, August 29 from 10:30am-12:30pm. We will meet at Trinity (Wilmington), 1403 Market St, Wilmington, NC for a time of breaking bread and fellowship and to welcome our new pastors to the Harbor District.Reach out to Pam Maher with questions that […]
Monthly Meeting
This is a chili meal, fixed by our Methodist Men in addition to the presentation by Church World Service. During our time together we will find out about our immigrant neighbors, who are they, where are they coming from, and what can we do to help.
Monthly Meeting
The Corridor district LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all UMC laity. This course is designed to help laity and clergy deepen their understanding of persons living with dementia and help all maintain their identity and worth as beloved children of God.
The Heritage district LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all UMC laity. Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers in public settings.
The Beacon district LSM team is pleased to present this spiritual gifts course, open to all UMC laity. This course helps participants understand spiritual gifts and how the church can use them to fulfill its mission and ministry. Participants will also learn what it means to be a spiritual leader and will be equipped to lead others in exploring and using their spiritual gifts.
View articles, files, and websites that offer resources on immigration.
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NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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