Corridor District Anti-Racism Team Meeting
Aldersgate UMC 1320 Umstead Rd #2002, Durham, North Carolina, United StatesMonthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Beacon Clergy will gather at Edenton UMC. We will begin our time with a RISE Against Hunger meal packaging event. If you are able, we ask that you or your congregation donate to the RISE event below.
The Beacon and Sound District Lay Servant Ministries teams present Discipleship Begins with Relationship: Creating a Spiritual Growth Plan to See All the People with District Superintendent Jon Strother… This course is open to clergy and laity alike. Laity, please register below. Clergy, please get in touch with AADS Ashley Kennedy to register.
We are thrilled to extend an invitation to a one-day course that delves into the transformative work of Healing Haunted Histories a book by Dr. Elaine Enns and Ched Myers. This 5-hour, in-person sojourn will be facilitated by Home Missioner Steve Taylor, a member of the Gateway Dismantling Racism team. Steve shares that his participation in this […]
Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for both NC & WNC conferences, will lead the session with other creation care ministry leaders. Topics that will be covered include the theological basis for a creation care ministry, practical tips for getting started with or ways to grow a creation care ministry team in the local church, […]
Covered dish dinner honoring Pastor Toni Wood.Your presence is the greatest gift, but if you wish to give something, gift cards or monetary contributions are greatly appreciated.April Oden (252.305.6542) Text or Call with questions
Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for both NC & WNC conferences, will lead the session with other creation care ministry leaders. Topics that will be covered include the theological basis for a creation care ministry, practical tips for getting started with or ways to grow a creation care ministry team in the local church, […]
In partnership with Victory UMC, the NC-ILJC is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable legal services, education, and advocacy to help immigrants in North Carolina. We provide low-cost legal aid to qualified immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers of all faiths, backgrounds, and identities. The NC-ILJC will officially open on June 22. The Open House […]
In the wake of several tumultuous years affecting the globe, our denomination, on the heels of the General Conference, Fairway, Gateway, and Harbor Districts Clergy are invited to a 26-hour renewal retreat. While in fellowship together, you will Process, Proclaim, and Practice under the guidance of Brad Thie (Duke Thriving Rural Communities) and Carol Goehring (Coach for […]
View articles, files, and websites that offer resources on immigration.
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NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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