Minutes of the Special Called Session of the Charge Conference Purpose of this Special Called Charge Conference: Please clearly state the purpose of this called Charge Conference here –*In accordance with ¶246.7 and ¶246.8 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016 A special session (of the Charge Conference) may be called by the District Superintendent after consultation with the pastor of the charge, or by the pastor with the written consent of the District Superintendent. The purpose of such special session shall be stated in the call, and only such business shall be transacted as in harmony with the purposes stated in the call. Notice of time and place of a regular or special session of the Charge Conference shall be given at least ten days in advance by two or more of the following: from the pulpit of the church, in its weekly bulletin, in a local church publication, or by mail.Name*This is the name of the person who is submitting this form. First Last Email*This is the email of the person who is submitting this form. Enter Email Confirm Email Date DS granted permission for special session of the Charge Conference.* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please attach copy of DS permission letter.*Max. file size: 50 MB.Does the Church/Charge Conference involve a New Faith Community?* Yes No A copy of the minutes of the Charge Conference and the attendance roll must be submitted by the church/charge to complete our records. No hard copy will be needed for district records. Keep the original for local church records. A pdf copy will be sent to your AADS and to the District Office. This is a _______ Conference* Church Charge The name of the church / charge.*You are asked to spell out the official name of the church/ charge. City Location of church/ charge*for example: Randolph, NCIn which district* Beacon Capital Corridor Fairway Gateway Harbor Heritage Sound Date the Church/ Charge Conference was held* MM slash DD slash YYYY Full Name of Presiding Elder of the Church/ Charge Conference*Full Name of the Recording Secretary*Full Name of Pastor in Charge.*Full names of any other appointed clergy.*If there are none, please type none. A devotional service was conducted by*Please list the full name here Business of the Church/ Charge Conference.*Please include the information about any voting that has taken or will take place.Name of Admin. Board Chair.Name of Finance Comm. Chair.Name of Lay Leader / MemberName of PPRC ChairName of Trustee ChairPlease Attach Copy of Attendance Roster*Your roster needs to be in a jpg, png, or pdf format. Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.Please Attach Any Additional PaperworkAnything that pertains to this Called Church/Charge Conference. Your roster needs to be in a jpg, png, or pdf format. Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.